Tramming a Vise is essential for achieving precise machining results on a manual mill. Properly aligned vises ensure that your workpieces are positioned accurately, preventing issues such as uneven cuts or misalignment during operations. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to tram a vise accurately and effectively.
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to tram a vise accurately and effectively-
Optional Vise Preparation
- Remove both jaws and stone the mating surfaces on the vise and the jaws.
- Clean all mating surfaces and remount the jaws.
(Some machinists prefer to lay a parallel down on its side and clamp it in the vise jaws before indicating the vise.)
Tramming the Vise
- Start by loosening both hold-down nuts. Retighten the left one snugly, but not too tight, while leaving the right one loose. (The tighter nut on the left will serve as a pivot point.)
- Secure a Test Indicator to the machine’s spindle by using a Mount Indicator Holder.
- Move the indicator’s point so it’s slightly away from the face of the vise’s stationary jaw, positioning it near the top left corner.
- Move the machine’s Y-axis until the indicator’s needle reaches zero.
- Secure a second Test Indicator to the machine’s table, with a Magnetic Indicator Holder, with its point just below the first indicator's point, and zero the dial.
- With both indicators zeroed, move the table’s X-axis so the indicator's point sweeps across the vise jaw. Avoid letting it come off the jaw’s end.
- Using a soft-faced Dead Blow Mallet, gently tap the vise at the handle end until the indicator’s needle moves a little more than halfway back to zero.
- If the indicator on the left side of the vise jaw moved from its zero position, tap the vise until both indicators read the same value.
- Move the table’s X-axis so the indicator’s point is back to the left side of the vise.
- If both indicators are still at zero position, proceed to step #10 below.
- If either indicator moved from the zero position, repeat steps #6 through #9 above.
- Continue the process until the indicator reads zero across the entire width of the vise jaw
- With the indicator in the spindle moved to the right side of the vise, tighten the loose nut first, and then tighten the one on the left.
- To ensure that the vise didn’t move while it was being tightened, move the table’s X-axis back across the vise jaw while checking the indicator needles for any movement.
Tools Used
For this process, you’ll need several tools to achieve the best results: