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How To Determine Your Machine's Morse Taper Size

Posted by Travers Team on May 18, 2021 8:00:00 AM
Travers Team

How To Identify the size Of Your morse Taper:

Morse Tapers (MT) may be identified either by measuring the large, or the small diameter, the length, or the taper per inch. On the female MT (usually in a machine spindle) it’s difficult to measure the small diameter, the length, or the taper since it’s inside the spindle. Measuring only the largest diameter of the hole at the face (or gage line) of the spindle is all you need to find the correct MT size.

Shanks can also be identified by the gage diameter, but since the entire shank is accessible, the small diameter, length and taper per inch can be measured as well. Once you measure your Morse Taper, use the chart below to determine the correct MT size to ensure you are selecting the correct arbors and holders, adapters, and drill chuck arbors.


morse taper dimension chart


Refer to the taper dimensional guide below to determine your machine's morse taper size, or download our taper chart complete with all standard taper dimensions, here:

Taper Large End Small End Length Taper/Inch Angle From Center
#0 0.356" 0.252" 2.00" .0521 1.4908°
#1 0.475" 0.369" 2.13" .0499 1.4287°
#2 0.700" 0.572" 2.56" .0500 1.4307°
#3 0.938" 0.778" 3.19" .0502 1.4377°
#4 1.231" 1.020" 4.06" .0519 1.4876°
#4-1/2 1.500" 1.266" 4.50" .0520 1.4894°
#5 1.748" 1.475" 5.19" .0526 1.5073°
#6 2.494" 2.116" 7.25" .0521 1.4933°
#7 3.270" 2.750" 10.00" .0520 1.4894°

Do you have more questions about how to determine your machines's taper? Contact our tech team at 800.234.9985, email, or submit an online tech support request here.


Download & print your free taper dimension chartTaper Dimension Guide

Download and print our taper dimension pdf for a quick reference table that will help you determine your machine's taper correctly, every time! Our comprehensive chart includes 'at a glance' listing of the most popular taper styles including BT Shank, CAT Shank, Jacobs Taper, Morse Taper, NMTB Shank and R8 Shank.

Download Taper Chart


Topics: Article, Metalworking and Machining, Machine Tool Accessories, Reference




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