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How to control clutter in your machine shop

Posted by Travers Team on Aug 5, 2020 10:55:54 AM
Travers Team

We all know how easy it is for clutter to take over a machine shop. Let's follow along with our Tech Support team member Kurt as he gives you an option to at least start tackling this issue.

how to organize clutter in a machine shop

Hi this is Kurt with Travers Tool Company. Are you looking for a solution to keep clutter off of your machines? We may have the perfect answer for your machine shop!

ways to deal with clutter

So I have some tools here that you will commonly find set on a lathe or a bench where they usually end up in the way. 

Clean up clutter in your shop

This clutter can cause issues when you are reaching for something else that you need. It can also break your more expensive tooling if it happens to fall on your machine shop floor!

how a magnetic holder can protect your tools

WE HAVE A SOLUTION! A Magnetic Tool Holder can help keep your shop organized.

Magnetic Tool Holders for your shop

The tool holder Installs in a snap to anything magnetic and now everything is safely out of the way. "I really like this tool and think it's very handy." (Kurt actually purchased one of these for himself!) 

Magnetic Tool Holder in your shop

Be careful using it around steel chips since they will still stick to it! The chips can cause a mess & make it more difficult to put your items back on to the magnetic tool holder. 

why you shouldn't put a caliper on a magnetic tool holder

Remember to keep anything that you don't want magnetized off of the Magnetic Tool Holder (calipers, measuring tools, etc). The holder can create a little bit of a magnetic draw that transfers into the tool. 

Travers Tool Tips and Tricks

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Topics: Video, Running Your Shop, Facilities Solutions MRO




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