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Machine Shop Safety: Hurricane Preparedness Checklist

Posted by Travers Team on Aug 24, 2020 11:00:00 AM
Travers Team

Hurricane Preparedness Checklist

With peak hurricane season upon us, we're often asked about steps you can take to best prepare for the storm and protect your business. Machine shops typically have unique contents that require specific steps be taken to protect the investment you've made in your machinery and tools. Use our hurricane prep checklist to proactively protect your shop, using best practices to take measures that ensure you are as prepared as possible. From how to protect raw materials and machinery, to preserving coolant, you'll find recommendations that can help you weather the storm and get back to work, faster.


  • Test-run GENERATORS to assure they will work properly if needed.
  • Fill all gas containers with fuel. Ensure to top off the gas in any company vehicles as well.
  • Coat raw material and bare metal, and especially machine ways with a RUST INHIBITOR.
  • Remove chips from all machines. A CHIP-VAC SYSTEM will help minimize your time and efforts.
  • Backup all data regularly, including CNC code and CAD files on external servers and personal computers.
  • All non‐critical devices such as server monitors, workstations and other non‐essential equipment must be turned off.
  • Unplug computers, CMM, CNC machines, and Digital Readouts to protect them from a sudden power surge.
  • The main electrical feeds to the facility should be disconnected to prevent a potential fire in case of sparking.
  • Lock TOOL CHESTS and STORAGE CABINETS to help keep their contents secure.
  • Remove as much merchandise and other materials as possible from the floor or ship them out of the facility.
  • Put raw material in STOCK RACKS to keep it off the floor.
  • Pump out coolant reservoirs and preserve the coolant by storing it in sealed containers. Use DRUM HANDLING products like a DRUM TRANSPORTER to safely move it.
  • Remove loose debris and move anchor or relocate all nonessential equipment to a safe indoor location.
  • Secure storage of flammable liquids and move containers to a sheltered area but never into the main facility area.
  • Shut off the natural gas supply to minimize the threat of fire.
  • Install windstorm shutters/plywood over windows and doors.
  • Ensure remote access to your company’s website so you can readily update the status of your business.
  • Ensure you have an emergency communication plan in place that includes a single point of contact for all employees.
  • Review your SHELTER-IN-PLACE plan and insure your Emergency Kit is fully stocked and ready. BATTERIES/CHARGERS, RESPIRATION PROTECTIONMULTI TOOLS (that includes a can opener), FLASHLIGHTSFIRST-AID SUPPLIESEXTENSION CORDS & REELSGLOVESHARD HATSSAFETY GLASSES, cash (to pay employees or contractors post-storm) should be included in your kit.
  • Protect/relocate employee, supplier and client contact information, as well as vital records including your insurance policies.

Download the full checklist for steps to take during and after the storm to ensure your safety, and speed up your recovery. Should pre-storm preparation or post-storm repairs require any welding, be sure to follow safety tips outlined here.


Topics: Article, Running Your Shop, Facilities Solutions MRO, Tips, Safety



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