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How To Sharpen A Drill Bit With A Drill Sharpener

Posted by Travers Team on Dec 20, 2021 8:30:00 AM
Travers Team

Watch this video to learn how to sharpen a drill, and how to gain economy, customization, improved surface finish, and accuracy, instead of buying new drill bits. Watch this video to learn how to sharpen a drill, and how to save money by sharpening drill bits instead of buying new ones. Sharpen a drill properly and efficiently utilizing a drill sharpener that allows you to sharpen a variety of drill bit diameters, sizes and styles. Tech Team Expert Kurt Repsher walks you through the do's and don't's of sharpening a drill bit with a drill bit sharpener. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to see more awesome unboxing, product feature and application videos like this one!



Why Sharpen a Drill Bit?

Over the course of repeated usage, a drill bit will unavoidably begin to dull. Using a dull drill bit can result in overheating, uneven and unclean cutting, and even tool breakage. A sharp drill bit provides optimal efficiency and drilling performance. Without sharpening a drill bit, it will require replacement, costing the operator unneeded expenditures of money and time.

  • When you’re getting started on a project, and your 118° drill just isn’t ‘cutting’ it, within a couple of minutes you’ll transform that 118° into a 140° point, or another angle; get your job done, and put it right back to 118° again.
  • When that job you’re working on absolutely has to be done today, and the only drill you have in the right size just won’t make it to the finish line, go ahead and put a brand new point on it and keep poking those holes! When you have a drill bit sharpener, you won’t need to wait for the delivery of its replacement.
  • Using a sharp drill will result in a smoother surface finish and better accuracy, when compared to using a dull or chipped drill bit.


Why use a drill bit sharpener?

By using a drill sharpener, a dull drill bit can be resharpened and a holemaking application can quickly be resumed, all without the cost of replacing the drill bit. OTMT's drill sharpeners provide a portable and easy-to-use solution that offers immediate results. As soon as your drill bits begin to visibly dull, or their performance begins to degrade, use of the drill bit sharpener to sharpen the drill bit's cutting edges allows you to renew your drills and achieve sharp, 'like new' edges in a matter of seconds!


The benefits of otmt drill bit sharpeners

drill sharpener featuresWith two different OTMT drill sharpeners available, you can choose which is best for your shop by understanding the capacity you'll require most often.

OTMT model DBG13D drill sharpener

.08" - 0.51" capacity drill sharpenerThe OTMT Model #DBG13D Drill Sharpener (order #87-145-100) can sharpen drills from .08" - 0.51" shank diameter. Complete with a 1/4 HP, 180W, 110V motor. This powerful, easily portable drill sharpener can sharpen drill bit cutting edges, and comes standard with a front tip angle, escaping gap angle, and adjustable cutting edge size function. Additional features of the OTMT model #DBG13D drill sharpener include:

  • Size range: 0.08"~0.51" (2.1mm~13mm)
  • Speed range: 5,300 RPM
  • Tip angle range: 90° to 135°
  • Includes: (11) ER20 collets:0.08"~0.51" (2.1mm~13mm)
  • Weight: 22 lbs.

NOTE: Save 30% off OTMT Drill Sharpener 87-145-100A, thru March 6, 2022 or while supplies last.


otmt drill sharpenerThe OTMT Model #DBG26D Drill Sharpener (order #87-145-101) can sharpen drills from .32" - 1.02" shank diameter. Complete with a .60 HP, 450W, 110V motor. This powerful, easily portable drill sharpener can sharpen drill bit cutting edges, and comes standard with a front tip angle, escaping gap angle, and adjustable cutting edge size function. Additional features of the OTMT model #DBG26D drill sharpener include:

  • Size range: 0.32"~1.02" (2.1mm~30mm)
  • Speed range: 4,000 RPM
  • Tip angle range: 85° to 140°
  • Includes: (14) ER40 collets:0.51"~1.02" (13mm~26mm)
  • Weight: 64 lbs.


how to use an otmt drill bit sharpener

Perhaps the most beneficial feature of the OTMT Drill Bit Sharpeners is their ease of use and operation. Simply insert the drill bit and within seconds you have a sharpened 'like new' drill bit. By having these handy sharpeners onsite there is no delay, plus you can sharpen a drill bit immediately to keep your production going. No more machine downtime and no more quality issues from trying to use a dull drill bit. Practically anyone can use these sharpeners. They set up and start operating in minutes — with no time-gobbling training or special grinding skills needed. Simple operation, easy portability, and outstanding results!

Download & print your tap Drill ChartTap_Drill Guide

Download and print the tap drill chart pdf for a quick reference table that will help you select the right tap and drill for your application, every time! Our comprehensive chart includes standard sizes, metric sizes, plug tap sizes and an 'at a glance' listing of the most popular tap drill sizes.

Download Guide

Topics: Video, Metalworking and Machining, Finishing, Holemaking, Sharpeners, Machinery, OTMT




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